Join us on our journey to expand! We have big dreams and hopes! Just within a few years, we have been able to foster systems which promote equity in the deliverment of agricultural education at Furr High School. Currently, over 500+ students are enrolled in agricultural studies at the campus. The vocational pathway is the most requested on campus and we are in need of expansion to serve the high demand. We wish to build a resilient community, ending the food desert narrative in our neighbourhood.
Community Garden
Present : Established 2016
15 Raised Beds
Fruit Orchard
Access to Water Supply
Storage Area for Hand Tools
Future : Coming Soon...
Volunteer Room
Outdoor Kitchen
Animal Pen
Experimental Garden
Furr BABA Ranch
Most recently, we have had the pleasure to hold conversation of the potential to gain access to an “urban farm,” just down the street from the school. The campus lacks access to true traditional agriculture land and facilities. In the past, Furr High School was the jewel of the far east end, Furr’s Future Farmers of America held parades for all of Jacinto City, showcasing livestock and pride. Gaining access to such land, will allow for our students to come full cycle to the school’s legacy.
Education Center
Community Classes
Youth Camps
Farmers Market
Small and Large Livestock
Poultry Science
Equine Science
Organic Food Production
Drone Technology